A few of my favourite quotes of my favourite alien :)

 “It’s a typical thing - as soon the situation doesn’t work, people think “gotta make it work!!! Gotta make it work”- beyond their (inner) knowledge that -it will never work!. THE SOONER ONE LET GO OF SITUATION THAT ISN’T WORKING - THE SOONER THE ONE THAT WILL WORK - WILL COME.  Chook it out as an experience that you had to have, as a part of your training,  for something in the future ”

“If this is idea you are convinced it is worth doing - why straitjacket yourself that they (people that you feel they doesn’t sincerely support you) are the only one with whom you can do it? You already know that their actions contradict their words and “goals”. IF YOU RECOGNIZE THAT THEIR RESPONSE IS NOT RESPONSIVE - BE ON YOUR WAY - FIND SOMEBODY ELSE TO WORK WITH ON THAT GOAL.

Individuals who are trying to look good by rendering lip-service will always be afraid when they encounter somebody like you, who is actually willing to do something. Because they know, they fear, they cannot really perform, and you are forcing them to face the fear that they can go as far as you are letting them know that it can be done. So they will retract, because they want to remaIn looking good and feeling good about they are doing. They are feeling being pushed beyond boundaries of what they are believing they are capable of doing - so they resent you, because they feel threatened. You are a threth to their insecurity they refuse to face.

“Sometimes people are surprised to discover limitations they didn’t know they have, and they do not find that strength to go beyond (limitations). Knowing that their limit is below the limit you prefer - then GO!.  Do everything you promised (to keep your integrity), but DO NOT HAVE EXPECTATIONS TO ACOMPLISH ANYTHING with them. Except maybe expecting to free yourself and TO TRUST THAT YOU WILL END UP SINCRONISTICLY WITH PEOPLE AND SITUATIONS WHERE YOU NEED TO BE.”

“No one has the ability to force you to be any way. You must choose to agree to interact with them on their level. You must create anger, hate, rage, guilt, frustration, jealousy. You must choose to create those for yourself in order to feel them, because all feeling is a reaction to a belief that exists first. There is… no such thing as a feeling without a point of view that creates the feeling.” — Bashar

 “Choosing the positively manifesting reality will be integrating yourself with All That Is, whereas knowing yourself as separate from All That Is creates an idea of isolation that does not allow you to feel your connection to All That Is. This leads to the need to dominate. For when you separate your self from All That Is, controlling and dominating others is perhaps the only way you will feel you can collect what you see around you, to you.” — Bashar, “Blueprint for Change: A Message from Our Future”

“There is no such thing as something that is too good to be true, or too good to last.

Ecstasy is what you’re made of, it is the highest energy of creation reflected and represented through your physical form.” — Bashar

 More about Bashar you can find on http://www.bashar.org

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